Specializing in TFT LCD and Capacitive Touch Screens.

Solution for the ship instrument screen.

Technology News

Solution for the ship instrument screen.


The requirements for the LCD module are:waterproofsunlight readablesalt water touch, anti impact, EMI, ESD, high reliability.For this kind of products,Disea has given professional opinions. At the beginning of the design these requirements of customers have been taken into account and the following schemes have been formed:


1.Mitsubishi OCA is used for optical binding
2.Use "SEKSUI" waterproof adhesive tape to make the whole cirec on the back of cover
lens ensure waterproofperformance

Sunlight readable:

1.Use the IPS panel.
2.The brightness of the module reaches 720cd/m2
3.With optical binding,it has higher light transmittance and lower light reflection
4.The surface of the cover plate is etched with AG etching so the anti glare effect is better

Salt water touch:

Seafarers need wet handssalt in waterand capacitance screen to support salt water
touch.We use the driver IC of EETI to achieve 3% salt water touch

Anit impact:

The cover plate is made of 2mm"AGC"optical glasswhich reaches the test standard
of ik07 after toughened.


All harnesses are wrapped with conductive tape and connected to the ground

High reliability

The product is agedat-20~60℃ for 240 hours to ensure thereliability of the product